Life Behind the Highlight Real
Welcome to “Life Behind the Highlight Real," the podcast that takes things beyond the curated life we all see online. Join hosts Sarah & William Huffman as they dive in with their friends to talk about the good and the hard things that come with a real (not perfect) life behind the highlight reel. Tune each week for more in-depth conversations about life behind the highlight reel. Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to make sure you never miss an episode.
Life Behind the Highlight Real
Ep. 73: All About AGLG!
A Good Life Group turned SEVEN YEARS OLD in September this year! William (who was feeling a little feisty) and Sarah tell the story, recounting the history of AGLG so far and some of what they've learned along the way, and also diving into some of their vision for the future. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!
Special shoutouts in this episode to:
Monica Kenton https://www.monicakenton.com/
Vanessa Rose https://vanessafeils.com/