Life Behind the Highlight Real
Welcome to “Life Behind the Highlight Real," the podcast that takes things beyond the curated life we all see online. Join hosts Sarah & William Huffman as they dive in with their friends to talk about the good and the hard things that come with a real (not perfect) life behind the highlight reel. Tune each week for more in-depth conversations about life behind the highlight reel. Follow us on your favorite podcast platform to make sure you never miss an episode.
Life Behind the Highlight Real
Ep.71: The 1% Conversation
In this helpful episode, Sarah and William talk about having uncomfortable conversations early, when only a 1% correction is needed, rather than avoiding them until you're waaaay off target and the issues are huge. They model conversations, doing a little role play, and touch on the trust pyramid, resentment, forgiveness, and more. Lots of good stuff here for making relationships work better, whether professional or personal.